How to Save Apple Until 2007With Apple switching to Intel chips I am betting that most people are going to hold off on buying new hardware unless it's at a steep discount. While Apple does have the iPod to help with cash coming in here is my Million Dollar Idea, free.
First, a little background: I am sure you have all seen the shot-glasses, pins and shirts that the Hard Rock Cafe sells and many of you have noticed the Starbucks Bearistas and city-specific mugs available in many of their cafes, right? Even if you don't have any yourself I am willing to bet that you know someone who has at least one if not a whole collection of them.
Well, can you think of a brand name that has equally fanatical followers? A computer company that has been rapidly opening stores in majour shopping malls and tourist destinations? Stores that have people lining up
days before they open just to get a limited edition t-shirt? If you said Apple you would be correct - so why not leverage those fans and start selling shirts, pins, etc. No sense in letting
eBay and
Redlightrunner make all the money.
I have been to Apple stores all across the US and bought software
once and brought in and picked up an ailing G5 but for the most part I have stopped in to play with a camera, check out new hardware or check my eMail without having to pay for internet access. The G5 was repaired under warranty and obviously checking mail generated no dollars to Apple's bottom line. Meantime, on my last trip I have bought another
Starbucks City mug (we are up to four now)
and a Hard Rock pin (getting to be too many to count), neither of which we needed nor really have space for but for <$20, figured "why not?"
So what's stopping Apple from tapping this same collectors market? Can't be the profit margin - how much are they making per iTunes track? Pennies? The mark-up on a t-shirt or pin has got to be more than that....