Charles Darwin has a posse -- free bookmarks and stickers.
Darwin Day was February 12th, but the fight for good science goes on.
Money saving tips to live a better life (most of the time) along with free links, rants and musings.
Guess this site has been around for a while but it was new to me:
Search ad flyers by ZIP code!
From a collection of Apple homepages over the years.
One of the more ironic now as things turn out.
Some good ones including:
*Dolphins always make that same "dolphin chatter"
sound when spinning, jumping, etc
*Snakes are always rattling
*Bombs always have big, blinking, beeping timer
*Every helicopter shutting down emits the
chirp-chirp-chirp sound of the rubber drive belts
disengaging, in spite of the fact that only the famous
Bell 47G (the M*A*S*H chopper) actually makes this
*The first spoken words in a microphone must be either
'Testing, Testing' or 'One Two,One Two'
Check out these commercials from McDonald's past....
[btw: this is an eMail test post]
edited to correct URL