Art From a Pre-Digital Era

Money saving tips to live a better life (most of the time) along with free links, rants and musings.
Thus, it was not a neighborhood issue but a light rail issue."
[Nathan Bergey] built the world's coolest desk lamp to alert you when the International Space Station is overhead.
Using a Teensy board to light a few LEDs on the edge of a piece of perspex. And to make it it even cooler, it uses a custom Python script to parse the data available on Heavens Above. (As the orbit of the ISS decays over time, a stand-alone satellite tracking lamp will eventually lose it’s accuracy) Everything on the computer runs in the Gnome panel and is passed to the Teensy over the USB connection.
All of the code is posted on github.
Dieter Rams prefers not to be called a designer. "I prefer the German term, Gestalt-Ingenieur."
Read it all here:
(via Instapaper)
I have, by now, got rather fond of Mr. James Bond. I like most of the things about him, with the exception of his rather deplorable taste in firearms. [...]
May I suggest that Mr. Bond be armed with a revolver?