Friday, September 30, 2011
A Tweet from @NewYorker:
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Another Blog-Worthy Photo From the Good People on Flickr
- video link
A Tweet from @bendimiero:
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
A Tweet from @johannabasford:
Monday, September 26, 2011
A Tweet from @KenPlume:
A Tweet from @ScottWesterfeld:
Sunday, September 25, 2011
on the new jersey shorefront comes...
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Untitled Jersey City Project for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.
Presenting a story set amidst the fast-developing Jersey City waterfront, just across the river from glittering Manhattan. A shining new city is being built on the edge of this gritty town, but while the glass office towers and condos may be sleek and new, one thing remains the same: the rules of the game called life haven’t changed one bit.
Jersey, where some have something to gain – be it money, fame, power. While some can lose big- they'll end up dead. Untitled Jersey City Project breaks new ground in bring the action the drama and the thrills of television to a place television is afraid to go. Episode 2 is already up and waiting for you. be the first of your friends to see then newest thing we'll all be talking about come Monday.
Don't be fooled by the YouTube hosting, this is quality drama that you are used to getting on the pay cable channels only right to your smart phone or laptop. TV so good you'll finally make the leap and get streaming video up and running on your living room TV. Take and look and you'll agree, Untitled Jersey City Project is appointment viewing at its finest.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
auction all for less
Friday, September 23, 2011
A Tweet from @RogerQuimbly:
A Tweet from @torrez:
A Tweet from @idogcow:
step up to unlimited
This post brought to you by Net10. All opinions are 100% mine.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
A Tweet from @neilhimself:
A Tweet from @rachelchalmers:
A Tweet from @mezzanine76:
A Tweet from @mezzanine76:
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Friday, September 16, 2011
A Tweet from @Ruth_A_Buzzi:
A Tweet from @GammaCounter:
Thursday, September 15, 2011
A Tweet from @czelticgirl:
And, if you're watching this season's L&O:UK, the Fifth Doctor. It's total sci-fi nerd heaven.
redirecting to

Another Blog-Worthy Photo From the Good People on Flickr
The much-loved Nut Tree Toy Shop, shortly before the entire place was razed.
Another Blog-Worthy Photo From the Good People on Flickr
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
A tweet to blog about from @extralife
A tweet to blog about from @apelad
A tweet to blog about from @dangillmor
A tweet to blog about from @idogcow
Another Blog-Worthy Photo From the Good People on Flickr
A tweet to blog about: @KQED: Google steps into the air travel game, from @KQEDnews:
A tweet to blog about: @ablerism: An umbrella that disrupts CCD surveillance cameras, part of Mark Shepard's Sentient City Survival Kit:
A tweet to blog about: @specterm: So Michele Bachmann is now the congressional Jenny McCarthy. Horrifying. I wrote about it on the New Yorker blog.
A tweet to blog about: @joeyellis: Just in case you need a little Disneyland pick-me-up. I uploaded a new desktop to Flickr. Check it out:
A tweet to blog about: @IFCtv: Christina Hendricks on the Wonder Woman casting talk: "I'd do it in a heartbeat"
Another Blog-Worthy Photo From the Good People on Flickr