Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Another Blog-Worthy Photo From the Good People on Flickr

Just a quick peek at a picture I starred on Flicker: Laugh-Out-Loud Cats #2029

from http://flic.kr/p/cD6QaW

A Tweet from @dansinker:

I give not two shits about NBC Fail, but I care *a lot* about Twitter banning users. @jeffjarvis nails it: http://t.co/3kLBg0XA dansinker http://twitter.com/dansinker/status/230297188914298880 #ifttt

A Tweet from @jkottke:

I love Twitter the service and I am starting to really dislike Twitter the company. jkottke http://twitter.com/jkottke/status/230296509147664384 #ifttt

Monday, July 30, 2012

A Tweet from @DrDawg:

Fed up with Twitter suppression and censorship of NBC critic @GuyAdams? Retweet! Gary.Zenkel@nbcuni.com #NBCfail #Twitterfail DrDawg http://twitter.com/DrDawg/status/230091682186682368 #ifttt

A Tweet from @NBCDelayed:

BREAKING: Tommie Smith and John Carlos create controvery during medals ceremony, wear black gloves and raise fists. More to come. NBCDelayed http://twitter.com/NBCDelayed/status/229734304513679360 #ifttt

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Hipster alert: Anniversary Drinks- Campbell Cooler on InstaGram

Lookie lookie, a new retrogram via the internet phenom, Instagram http://instagr.am/p/NrHauhvdjZ/

Friday, July 27, 2012

Another Blog-Worthy Photo From the Good People on Flickr

Just a quick peek at a picture I starred on Flicker: Santa Clara MoteLodge

Back of postcard reads: Santa Clara MOTELODGE 1655 El Camino Real, Santa Clara, California 95051 71 new modern soundproof units complete with air conditioning, free TV and room radios. Heated pool, conference room. Restaurant across street. Room phones. Located on scenic El Camino Real. My parents stayed here in 1966. Now it's a Ramada www.ramadasantaclara.com/

from http://flic.kr/p/cEkVrE

Another Blog-Worthy Photo From the Good People on Flickr

Just a quick peek at a picture I starred on Flicker: Smokey

Spotted at the California State Fair. He was not as tall as I was imagining him to be. He's only about six feet tall. You don't see too many life size version of him so I was glad that I caught a sight of him. :- ) . . . 'Only YOU can prevent forest fires.'

from http://flic.kr/p/cEvJhh

Hipster alert: Balcony Visitor on InstaGram

Lookie lookie, a new retrogram via the internet phenom, Instagram http://instagr.am/p/NmBGQcPdtG/

Hipster alert: Juxtaposed #caltrain on InstaGram

Lookie lookie, a new retrogram via the internet phenom, Instagram http://instagr.am/p/Nl7FpyPdo3/

Thursday, July 26, 2012

A Tweet from @pbskids:

RT @pbs: Save the date - #DanielTigerPBS premieres on @pbskids on Labor Day, 9/3. Meet @danieltigertv & friends: http://t.co/olfiWg9U pbskids http://twitter.com/pbskids/status/228591734844715009 #ifttt

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Another Blog-Worthy Photo From the Good People on Flickr

Just a quick peek at a picture I starred on Flicker: looking for chiquita banana stickers 1979 1980

looking for these small stickers that were attached to batches of chiquita bananas in the winter of 1979-80 to promote the 1980 winter olympics held at lake placid. also looking for any store displays that may have been made. according to this ad, there was also a folder available in stores to house the set. i hope to find a sheet of these unused. thanx!

from http://flic.kr/p/2q6gX4

Another Blog-Worthy Photo From the Good People on Flickr

Just a quick peek at a picture I starred on Flicker: comic-a space opportunity

from http://flic.kr/p/cDfZbA

Another Blog-Worthy Photo From the Good People on Flickr

Just a quick peek at a picture I starred on Flicker: Elk sketch

I decided to try to paint directly, with no drawing underneath...fun!

from http://flic.kr/p/cC9DEq

Another Blog-Worthy Photo From the Good People on Flickr

Just a quick peek at a picture I starred on Flicker: Short snowboarder wears his mullet with unironic pride.

from http://flic.kr/p/cD9oKw

Another Blog-Worthy Photo From the Good People on Flickr

Just a quick peek at a picture I starred on Flicker: Paula has the Magic Key at Fairyland

Photo taken by Jef Poskanzer at Fairyland for Adults.

from http://flic.kr/p/cDdkUu

Another Blog-Worthy Photo From the Good People on Flickr

Just a quick peek at a picture I starred on Flicker: Apparently You Don't Feel Rich Until You Have $5 Million

Bring me a canary on toast

from http://flic.kr/p/cDpXfN

A Tweet from @waxpancake:

Eliot’s making up jokes again. “What’s 1 plus 0? A balloon!” “What’s 0 plus 0? Glasses!” waxpancake http://twitter.com/waxpancake/status/227979985707749377 #ifttt

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Hipster alert: Thanks For the Laughter on InstaGram

Lookie lookie, a new retrogram via the internet phenom, Instagram http://instagr.am/p/NfAY90Pdqy/

A Tweet from @mountain_goats:

@MittRomney kind of despicable & grotesque that her partner of 27 years will be denied federal benefits, don't you think? mountain_goats http://twitter.com/mountain_goats/status/227579654368813056 #ifttt

A Tweet from @sippey:

11 y/o this morning: "You mean Peet's sold for more than Instagram?" #facepalm sippey http://twitter.com/sippey/status/227770358751703040 #ifttt

A Tweet from @FrankConniff:

Sally Ride's partner won't get federal benefits because committed relationships that last 27 years are a danger to society. FrankConniff http://twitter.com/FrankConniff/status/227703992166256640 #ifttt

Monday, July 23, 2012

Hipster alert: Black or White on InstaGram

Lookie lookie, a new retrogram via the internet phenom, Instagram http://instagr.am/p/NcCDAHPdjx/

Hipster alert: Paris Bistro, Palo Alto on InstaGram

Lookie lookie, a new retrogram via the internet phenom, Instagram http://instagr.am/p/NbWWu8vdoc/

Friday, July 20, 2012

A Tweet from @raypride:

RT @blakehounshell: I pronounce @SalmanRushdie winner of the Internets today. raypride http://twitter.com/raypride/status/226503651290652672 #ifttt

Hipster alert: I was given an airplane on InstaGram

Lookie lookie, a new retrogram via the internet phenom, Instagram http://instagr.am/p/NUvEVRPdn0/

Hipster alert: Red Wheels & a Lader on the Back on InstaGram

Lookie lookie, a new retrogram via the internet phenom, Instagram http://instagr.am/p/NULsJGPdhl/

Hipster alert: Erase-All on InstaGram

Lookie lookie, a new retrogram via the internet phenom, Instagram http://instagr.am/p/NULOBXPdhK/

A Tweet from @celebboutique:

social media was totally UNAWARE of the situation and simply thought it was another trending topic - we have removed the very insensitive celebboutique http://twitter.com/celebboutique/status/226391685175836672 #ifttt

A Tweet from @TerraCycle:

#EcoPic Nature's Beauty - The Fairy Pools on the Isle of Skye, Scotland TerraCycle http://twitter.com/TerraCycle/status/226391339468722176 #ifttt

A Tweet from @neiltyson:

"Men Walk On Moon" - The only positive event in the last 50 yrs for which everyone remembers where they were when it happened neiltyson http://twitter.com/neiltyson/status/226302743286005760 #ifttt

A Tweet from @TerraCycle:

#EcoJoke: "I have an obsession with wind farms.' 'Really?' 'Yes. I'm a huge fan.' TerraCycle http://twitter.com/TerraCycle/status/226315996665884672 #ifttt

A Tweet from @GreenpeaceUK:

Creative #TellShell PR Image from @williemackenzie: http://t.co/1Hx3Bewh GreenpeaceUK http://twitter.com/GreenpeaceUK/status/226314880364457984 #ifttt

A Tweet from @GammaCounter:

Original 1947 N. America phone area code map, and in 2012: http://t.co/l6AGKKve & http://t.co/vlUv0w7D Montana & Wyoming have not changed. GammaCounter http://twitter.com/GammaCounter/status/226180220317736961 #ifttt

Thursday, July 19, 2012

A Tweet from @KeithCowing:

Watched @airshipventures blimp fly over @NASAAmes earlier today while listening to "Sky Ferry" from "Golden Compass" soundtrack #ZeppMe KeithCowing http://twitter.com/KeithCowing/status/226069870322798592 #ifttt

Another Blog-Worthy Photo From the Good People on Flickr

Just a quick peek at a picture I starred on Flicker: A little test

from http://flic.kr/p/cyZnvj

Another Blog-Worthy Photo From the Good People on Flickr

Just a quick peek at a picture I starred on Flicker: Hyatt Music Theatre Burlingame Rendering

from http://flic.kr/p/cA7svm

Another Blog-Worthy Photo From the Good People on Flickr

Just a quick peek at a picture I starred on Flicker: waiting

© 2012 C.Zwerg - All rights reserved.

from http://flic.kr/p/czMJV3

Another Blog-Worthy Photo From the Good People on Flickr

Just a quick peek at a picture I starred on Flicker: 4 Winds Motel

Jackson, Wyoming

from http://flic.kr/p/czQXUJ

Another Blog-Worthy Photo From the Good People on Flickr

Just a quick peek at a picture I starred on Flicker: Park Motel

Morris, IL

from http://flic.kr/p/czTUNo

Another Blog-Worthy Photo From the Good People on Flickr

Just a quick peek at a picture I starred on Flicker: Laugh-Out-Loud Cats #2020

from http://flic.kr/p/czKpgY

A Tweet from @torrez:

Dear Internet, http://t.co/mngyj1Zg torrez http://twitter.com/torrez/status/226004368296656897 #ifttt

Another Blog-Worthy Photo From the Good People on Flickr

Just a quick peek at a picture I starred on Flicker: I liked this post-it so much I took it from the bin where the receiver of the note had thrown it and after trying it out with objects on my desk have decided to get some stickers made.

So now I could share with the world my POV on what needs to try harder and what's doesn't (mainly harder).

from http://flic.kr/p/5D2tdS

A Tweet from @harikondabolu:

George Zimmerman says it was God's plan for him to kill Trayvon. Should we start profiling Christians now? Isn't that how this works? harikondabolu http://twitter.com/harikondabolu/status/225795643401187328 #ifttt

A Tweet from @marcedwards:

What does ⌥ (the Mac option key symbol) represent? Here’s an explanation, using @trainyard. http://t.co/ZYi25EY5 marcedwards http://twitter.com/marcedwards/status/225601862756352001 #ifttt

A Tweet from @nostrich:

Really hope Marissa Mayer can do something good with Yahoo and Flickr, but I guess the only way to be sure is to write her an open letter. nostrich http://twitter.com/nostrich/status/225269711758303233 #ifttt

Hipster alert: a 3yr old's picture, of an elephant? on InstaGram

Lookie lookie, a new retrogram via the internet phenom, Instagram http://instagr.am/p/NRDNH8Pdkl/

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

A Tweet from @BaneCapital:

Our plan to destroy Gotham created 1200 full-time jobs, including 1014 in China. BaneCapital http://twitter.com/BaneCapital/status/225676812594864129 #ifttt

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

A Tweet from @DinerDee:

Every time little Timmy comes in he orders a "plate of fries." And every time I say, "Would you like fries with that?" It's our little joke. DinerDee http://twitter.com/DinerDee/status/225351333484560385 #ifttt

A Tweet from @doctorow:

Now we are 41 http://t.co/dsICVqC1 doctorow http://twitter.com/doctorow/status/225283288963629057 #ifttt

A Tweet from @margafret:

Tax returns are people, too, my friend margafret http://twitter.com/margafret/status/225338539494211585 #ifttt

A Tweet from @BuzzFeedAndrew:

Mitt Romney attacked his opponent for refusing to release tax returns in 2002: "What is she hiding?" http://t.co/YWhoMdFm BuzzFeedAndrew http://twitter.com/BuzzFeedAndrew/status/225310992471568384 #ifttt

A Tweet from @al3x:

OH: "Were you, like, born after BBEdit? Do you know what it is?" al3x http://twitter.com/al3x/status/225295622230646784 #ifttt

A Tweet from @destructo9000:

It is illegal to sing "The Twelve Days Of Christmas" beyond the fourth verse in the Olympic arena. destructo9000 http://twitter.com/destructo9000/status/225210397798572032 #ifttt

Monday, July 16, 2012

Hipster alert: Red Dragon over San Pedro Square on InstaGram

Lookie lookie, a new retrogram via the internet phenom, Instagram http://instagr.am/p/NKXoaLPdht/

Sunday, July 15, 2012

A Tweet from @levie:

Call me crazy, but I think capitalism thrives in a world where people get equal access to great healthcare, education, and jobs. levie http://twitter.com/levie/status/224584543011745792 #ifttt

Friday, July 13, 2012

A Tweet from @mjane_h:

RT @tomcoates: Fascinatingly beautiful petrol station in Slovakia: http://t.co/CikcEBX8 Looks like a Saarinen or something. mjane_h http://twitter.com/mjane_h/status/223982317339811840 #ifttt

A Tweet from @threeze:

Wait, certain Presidential wannabes supported the Vietnam draft, but not “Obamacare” as it infringes on people’s freedoms? WTF America? threeze http://twitter.com/threeze/status/223672215919525889 #ifttt

A Tweet from @SteiffOnline:

@idogcow U get the bragging rights over @FakeBrick! Warm welcome and thank you from #SteiffOnline to both of you! SteiffOnline http://twitter.com/SteiffOnline/status/223796284883079168 #ifttt

A Tweet from @PD_Smith:

This guy bought his lizard along to watch the Olympic Torch the other day. I don't think I've seen that before... http://t.co/1o764oMe PD_Smith http://twitter.com/PD_Smith/status/223779568752930817 #ifttt

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Another Blog-Worthy Photo From the Good People on Flickr

Just a quick peek at a picture I starred on Flicker: Camay Soap 1949

from http://flic.kr/p/9LLHm6

A Tweet from @sdw:

“Alright, let’s move one ringtone onto my iPhone.” — “No problem, I’ll just wipe everything on your device. Okay?” -- iTunes. Makes sense. sdw http://twitter.com/sdw/status/223124241665630208 #ifttt

A Tweet from @sfzoo:

Brian Wilson's eye is closed, but when open, a clear membrane protects it. Hippos can see underwater. #animalfact http://t.co/mGBrd5Te sfzoo http://twitter.com/sfzoo/status/223502452207521792 #ifttt

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

A Tweet from @billamend:

On plane sitting next to fellow SDCC goers. They asked me what panels I was psyched for. Resisted urge to say "I wanna see the foxtrot guy." billamend http://twitter.com/billamend/status/223098333911203840 #ifttt

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

A Tweet from @paulapoundstone:

I see the Cookie Monster is trending. I hope he's not dead. paulapoundstone http://twitter.com/paulapoundstone/status/222826245740695553 #ifttt

A Tweet from @brittneyg:

Beginning my hunt for a bicycle. brittneyg http://twitter.com/brittneyg/status/222800053067202561 #ifttt

A Tweet from @maxfenton:

"For those keeping score at home, mandating a polio vaccine: tyranny. Mandating invasive ultrasound: freedom." http://t.co/QV2FyQOM maxfenton http://twitter.com/maxfenton/status/222799893700411394 #ifttt

A Tweet from @jeb:

And “DON’T BRO ME IF YOU DON’T KNOW ME” nabs the coveted “best tshirt in the burrito line” award. jeb http://twitter.com/jeb/status/222791094038036480 #ifttt

A Tweet from @MikeElk:

BIDEN: ‘MITT ROMNEY WANTS YOU TO SHOW YOUR PAPERS, BUT HE WON’T SHOW US HIS’ http://t.co/up1UeJbM MikeElk http://twitter.com/MikeElk/status/222780451507552257 #ifttt

A Tweet from @ASPCA:

Have you ever thought of volunteering at your local shelter? Well now's your chance! http://t.co/7kLqFs2Y #MakeADifference ASPCA http://twitter.com/ASPCA/status/222782305436049410 #ifttt

A Tweet from @TheAtlantic:

55 years ago, a Disney cartoon predicted how NASA's new rover would land on Mars. WATCH: http://t.co/EtWnIs1S TheAtlantic http://twitter.com/TheAtlantic/status/222787283110207489 #ifttt

CalTrain Flirts with Real-time Information

Caltrain is introducing a system to provide customers with real-time information regarding train arrival/departure times by attaching Global Positioning Systems to their Locomotives. The GPS location, along with the track occupancy from their rail operating control system, should provide an accurate location of trains that can be used to predict when the train will arrive at the next scheduled stop.

Before the system goes live there will be some testing, Phase One will run this week between 10am to 3pm with message boards and public address system testing.

Monday, July 09, 2012

A Tweet from @tomrsolari:

Part 2 of the tweet (@zpower) http://t.co/onAsOpED tomrsolari http://twitter.com/tomrsolari/status/222540254601691137 #ifttt

A Tweet from @billamend:

Woohoo! Strip done! Now I just need to prep slides for my talk and I'm ready for San Diego! billamend http://twitter.com/billamend/status/222543899963555840 #ifttt

Hipster alert: Put a bird on it on InstaGram

Lookie lookie, a new retrogram via the internet phenom, Instagram http://instagr.am/p/M4WGdgvdud/

Hipster alert: No Yes No on InstaGram

Lookie lookie, a new retrogram via the internet phenom, Instagram http://instagr.am/p/M4R-XqvdsB/

Sunday, July 08, 2012

Hipster alert: Guilty Pleasure on InstaGram

Lookie lookie, a new retrogram via the internet phenom, Instagram http://instagr.am/p/M2POq2vdvj/

Another Blog-Worthy Photo From the Good People on Flickr

Just a quick peek at a picture I starred on Flicker: The Original

Allen & Wright Drive-in - Lodi, Ca . . . Since Joe and Carrie's talk drifted to A & W on the previous post I may have been craving some ice cream from the establishment. When I ended up in Lodi Saturday night, I migrated to this original A & W Drive-in to have a hot fudge sundae. It was very creamy and delish; and so sweet ! www.awrootbeer.com/aw_history.php

from http://flic.kr/p/ct9QDw

A Tweet from @dduane:

oops, gotta go run & open the gate, forgot that the #Tesco guy is due in a few... dduane http://twitter.com/dduane/status/221935517166600192 #ifttt

A Tweet from @steven_moffat:

@JeremiahMc Pleasure. Brilliant stuff!! (And thanks for the Blink reference, warmed my heart.) steven_moffat http://twitter.com/steven_moffat/status/221531204279730176 #ifttt

Saturday, July 07, 2012

Hipster alert: July 4th Parade on InstaGram

Lookie lookie, a new retrogram via the internet phenom, Instagram http://instagr.am/p/Mzbsc9Pdpr/

Hipster alert: Beer on the avenue on InstaGram

Lookie lookie, a new retrogram via the internet phenom, Instagram http://instagr.am/p/MzHt3tPdrM/

Friday, July 06, 2012

A Tweet from @best_of_mlkshk:

http://t.co/1yWPF50A has 20 likes: "cat" best_of_mlkshk http://twitter.com/best_of_mlkshk/status/221391698629115905 #ifttt

A Tweet from @TheDisneyBlog:

I posted 8 photos on Facebook in the album "Independence Day Bunting" http://t.co/TjG8PBHq TheDisneyBlog http://twitter.com/TheDisneyBlog/status/221252189321035776 #ifttt

Thursday, July 05, 2012

A Tweet from @WilliamShatner:

“@Fisheplaya: @WilliamShatner You were in a classic Twilight Zone episode. Remember?” Every time I get on a plane... MBB WilliamShatner http://twitter.com/WilliamShatner/status/220947786408005634 #ifttt

A Tweet from @amberdawn:

“I’m going to get my fellows!” “Your what?” “My fellows!” “Mark, what’s a fellow?” “A cute.” amberdawn http://twitter.com/amberdawn/status/220722208731967489 #ifttt

A Tweet from @Mike_FTW:

“iTunes Match Has Encountered an Error” is my new jam. Mike_FTW http://twitter.com/Mike_FTW/status/220558476261335040 #ifttt

A Tweet from @TheMarkTwain:

Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect. TheMarkTwain http://twitter.com/TheMarkTwain/status/220532531626381315 #ifttt

A Tweet from @thebeebs:

So they announced Higgs Boson, without detailing price or availability. Apple would never do that. thebeebs http://twitter.com/thebeebs/status/220451865966559232 #ifttt
idogcow. Get yours at bighugelabs.com/flickr

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