I remember every week my mom bringing home a little magazine that gave us all the information we needed to find the best shows of the week, the Fall TV preview being the most coveted issue of the year, one that was saved and reread for years later to remind ourselves what was hot, or at least supposed to be 'must see' before that even really was a term.
Now there are way to many choices to be printed in a tiny little guide, and besides, what paper magazine doesn't have an electronic version or tablet version as well?
That's why I was excited to learn about Spreety TV Online– the free television guide for TV you can fine online. It comes in a family friendly format that is dead simple to navigate plus it links you to the right places to watch all you favourite (and new favourite) free TV shows online.
So regardless if you have cut the cable cord or not, watching
TV Online is the easy way to keep up with what's new, what's hot and what everyone will be talking about at work tomorrow.