Monday, February 21, 2011

all-american diet plan

22 pounds in 30 days. That's not a typical result but one that more than one user of the HCG diet reported. She went on to say that she feels great and have been told that she looks great, too!

Think you might be ready to try a homeopathic weight-loss plan yourself? Then go read up on how HCG works and then decide. The good news is there is free shipping on all orders over $159 shipped within the United States and there are NO injections required– just some Homeopathic drops under the tongue. And because HCG is an American Made all-natural, organic substance, it is monitored by the FDA to ensure that their lab exceeds Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP).

Stop complaining and start training. If weight loss was your New Year's Resolution, make it a reality. This has been a sponsored post.

Libya, Too?

To quote a friend, "I hesitate to report anything that comes from Twitter, but there are tweets from Libya that say Qaddafi is bombing demonstrators with fighter jets."

The pictures of the two jets that defected rather than fire on civilians is rather telling, however. The Guardian (UK) with a line on its front page saying Gaddafi may have fled to Venezuela is a little more suspect.

Let's just hope this resolves itself as 'easily' as Egypt did.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

a more civilized age

If you are old enough to remember when travel was an exciting and luxurious experience (like me) and yet too frugal to want to pay to recreate the experience in today's world (like me) you should be excited to hear about Eastern Airways. Described as the award winning airline that does everything in their power to provide a pleasant and convenient journey for all everyone. Take a look at their flights from Newcastle and then tell me that we are not seeing a new Golden Age for trips abroad.

Travel is in style again and waiting for your leisure time!

rag tag fugitive fun

No matter if you were a fan of the first iteration or the second, or like me, of both – here's some exciting news from the gaming world: the Battlestar Galactica Online game is looking for new young Viper pilots anxious to keep humanity from going extinct! I know where my free time just went!

Timely Tweet from @wired

Gizmodo hired a plane to record aerial footage of Steve Jobs' now-
demolished home -

Sent from Echofon -

Made of 100% recycled material.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

campaign promises

What would you say if your email marketing has been asked to participate in a research study investigating their imaginative activities, experiences, and behaviors as well as his or her peer
relationships and interactions, beliefs about school, and interest in selling your product?

Your e-mailmarketing expert should be asked to complete a questionnaire or participate in an interview at length two times during the fall of the 2011 fiscal year. Accommodations will be made to meet the needs of your campaign (e.g., an interview instead of completing a written questionnaire, the presence of a sign language interpreter to facilitate communication, etc.). Interviews also will be audio-taped to ensure accurate recording of your expert's responses.
You and your advertising staff will also will be ready to complete a questionnaire to help
us understand the role of imagination in getting your message across to your subscribers.

There are no anticipated risks associated with this research project except the potential
inconvenience of the time it takes to complete the questionnaire/interview. Be more efficient and sell more in less time. Future-proof your site today.

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

eyes on the road, hands on the wheel

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Evie. All opinions are 100% mine.

I usually don't drive to work thanks to my employers generous public transportation subsidies combined with my general distrust of most of the other drivers out there. This mistrust was reinforced the other day when just after I had merged onto the expressway traffic came to a dead slow crawl. I certainly wasn't expecting that and apparently neither was the car behind me as I saw them closing the gap between us rather quickly followed by the sound of brakes screeching. A close call and we had just finished shopping the week prior to that replacing our other car that had been totaled in a rear ending.

Far too many cars out there and far too many distracted drivers. It was bad enough when it was just voice calls interrupting concentration, with the number of smart phone and social media apps out there combined with phones with no 'real' keyboard, you all but have to take your eyes off the road to see what you are doing.

That is unless you have a way to use your own voice to control your iPhone. Enter Evie! Stay connected and just say what you want. From call Mom, call 555-1212, to play Bob Dylan. Evie listens and does it!

Welcome-Message.PNG (27 documents)
Uploaded with Skitch!

Uploaded with Skitch!
Evie can even read your Facebook feeds and search for the closest gas station!

If you spend even a few minutes behind the wheel, you owe it to yourself and others on the road to give it a try. Head to the app store and download it and see what I mean.

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