Golf may not be an Olympic Sport and the PGA tour may be a bit of a non-starter this winter but do you think Tiger Woods is not keeping his most bankable skills sharp while keeping a low profile? I would be willing to bet that more than one of his male friends has gifted him with a
potty putter like this one to pass the time until the heat over his recent, shall we say, un-gentleman like behaviour, has quieted down to the point where he can get back to the links and start making money like he used to.
I certainly don't think he is reading Golf Digest while he is in there, do you? On a similar note – I have always wondered if Wii Golf wold make for a suitable Winter replacement for hitting the links or the local driving range to stay sharp and limber for play when the warmer spring temperatures return.
Or is it in bad taste to mention a potty putter and Wii golf in the same blog post? I more or less figured that after the Spam macadamia nuts post today that just about anything was fair game. Lucky for all involved there is only one hour left in February third.
More tomorrow, stay tuned!