digital camera]
Next to the impossible-to-find Wii (and don't say eBay or Craig's List), I am going to say the top electronic item on my Christmas List would be a new digital camera.
My trusty Fujifilm FinePix (A210!) has been in the water-bottle slot on the outside of my backpack for going on more than a couple of years at this point, and even though I take the same route to work every day (hello CalTrain!), there is almost aways something or someone to take a picture of. And when I get home, well, don't even ask about the photographic opportunities what with the four cats we share a home with....
The important thing to remember: for most of us photography is a hobby and is supposed to be fun. When it's digital you can experiment to your heart's content (no film costs), both in-camera as well as at home with Photoshop (or the editor of your choice). So get yourself a camera, keep it on hand and be ready to shoot when you see something happen. The most expensive camera is of no use when it is sitting in a drawer because you are too afraid or too scared to use it. If you need do, do what I did: start small and inexpensive, get the feel for what you can do and shoot, shoot, shoot. If I had been worried about my camera I would not have taken it on a walk along

the beach at Asilomar and I would not have been able to get this picture of the local wildlife.
So until I get that Nikon D40x for that trip to Italy that we have been planning for going on 2 years now, I'll keep my A210 for my commute. But maybe if Santa is listening, I'll get a nice 9 megapixel Fujifilm A900 and keep that close at hand for when inspiration strikes.
This has been a sponsored post.