From over the transom today....
26 East Dock Street
Dundee DD1 9HY ,
United Kingdom.
ATT: Please,
I'm a Vetinary doctor under ANTI-SEIZE TECHNOLOGY (AST)I do represent
my company to purchase a product called Adequan an Injection R/X
Equine,this product is use for animals treatment such as;cows,dogs
exp. horses.
As of this proposal, please find the statements below:
(1) First, I will introduce you to my company's General Manager as
being the main and only supplier of the vaccines.
(2) Secondly, per carton of the vaccine costs USD 5,500 in UNITED
STATE, but in Asia Malaysia where I have been purchasing it, it only
costs USD 2,200 per carton. And you will supply to my company for USD
4,000. Per carton.
(3) Note, do not disclose the actual cost of the vaccine i.e. USD
2,200 to my company GM as this will affect our profit.
(4)My companies' director doesn't know the seller of this product and
the seller doesn't know my company directors, I'll introduce you as
the main supplier.
My company normally purchases 30-40 cartons in each trip I make
depending on the Product we have left in the company.
The distributor of this product is a Malaysian woman, you will
purchase the Product from the woman and supply to my company director
when he arrives there In Malaysia , my company will now pay you cash
on delivery. Let the above Mentioned be in mutual beneficiary for us
and an opportunity to embark in future Engagements. I need somebody
trustworthy to introduce as the main supplier. Finally, if you wish to
take up this offer, kindly email me and I will reply you with all the
contact details and that of my GM whom you will contact and send you
quotation. I also will give you the price to quote; in return my
GM will then issue you an LPO (Legal Purchasing Order).Please contact
me by this e-mail:dr_ba*nbr*nko@hotma*, you can also check on the
product by clicking on the lick.
Await your response.
Best Regards,
Dr.Ba*n Br*nko.
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