Geocities Backup
progress that Jason Scott's making on mirroring Geocities.
Money saving tips to live a better life (most of the time) along with free links, rants and musings.
Little things remind me of you / cheap cologne and that damn song, too. has available three of the 'Film Crew' movies which were done by some of your favorite MST3K veterans (Mike Nelson, Kevin Murphy and Bill Corbett) a few years back. There's no 'bots but the same jokes and bad movie for your entertainment.
Netflix has them, too, if you are away from your broadband or simply don't have it (like me). The upside, at Hulu you can see all three for free!
WIRED has a story this month about how the newer the gadget the less
'magical' it seems. They use the example of personal video cameras –
what once was large, expensive and magical (I'm on TV!) is now a
camcorder small enough to fit in an Altoids® tin and costs just a
couple hundred dollars. The irony would make Yogi Berra proud, they
have become so cheap and ubiquitous that I can't recall the last time
I saw one being used by anyone. The last one I know I saw was being
used by some kids trying to perfect a skateboard trick at the local
bank parking lot. I am not going to count the PBS crew of two at work
filming the lab or the team at the train station, complete with dual
playback monitors and a cart of audio gear.
Perhaps Facebook and Twitter have made the publishing of every mundane
though or action so easy and common that nothing is becoming of
interest any more. Are we already seeing a pullback from the online
life? Is there some upper limit to the number of tweets we can follow
before it all becomes just noise? If AT&T and Apple really are
planning iPhone data plans that don't cost $70/ month will we see more
blogging or is this the last gasp of a business model trying to stay
"Today we're excited to announce a new destination for television shows and an improved destination for movies on YouTube, where partners like Crackle, CBS, MGM, Lionsgate, Starz and many others have made thousands of television episodes and hundreds of movies available for you to watch, comment on, favorite and share."
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i come into the office in a black shirt & flat front khaki colored slacks. apparently my office is NOT a club & only white or blue shirts are acceptable and flat fronts are FRIDAY only. so i am told to goto the store and change now or i am fired.
I hope it's something more interesting than just 'edges'
Sent from Newton 2.0 (iPod Touch)