At this point almost everyone has a web page, blog, or some internet
presence – but if you are trying to make money from your internet
efforts (and why aren't you?) you are more than likely going to have
to make the leap from a page on a social networking site to a fully
hosted site.
A hosted site will let you decide how you want your page to look,
where and what kind of ads to run and over all, give you the freedom
to put forth the most professional version of you to be seen by the
masses. (And even just considering the 'One Laptop Per Child'
initiative in motion, that audience is just going to get bigger and
more diverse each day!)
So, let's assume you are now making money from your internet endeavor
(let's say: selling mugs or shirts), you are making money from display
ads or sponsorships (sound familiar?), but the real question now is:
how about you start making money from you web host?
If this sounds like something you might be interested in you you start
by checking out - an affiliate site for HostGator.
They currently are offering a $25 mail-in rebate just for trying out
HostGator for 2 months, at the low price of only $10 per month, and if
you act quickly, the first month is free. So, do the math, you
actually earn $15 after the second month!
That Stimulus Check from the fine group in Washington DC is only going
to last for so long. So why not turn that web hobby into a paying
site? You may not be able to quit your job but at least you can get
paid for what you are doing already. Voucher Host for HostGator, the
host that pays you back.